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David Rich quoted in Boston Globe on firm's suit against CVS

David H. Rich is quoted in The Boston Globe regarding a lawsuit he filed against CVS alleging the pharmacy chain violated his client's privacy by releasing the woman's prescription history to police without a warrant or subpoena.

Criminal charges against the woman based on an allegation that she distributed prescription drugs to a minor were dismissed in 2016 when a judge ruled that the woman's prescription records could not be introduced as evidence in court because they were obtained by police from a local pharmacy without a warrant.

The criminal case was based in large part on the illegally obtained prescription records, and the woman proclaimed her innocence throughout.

The lawsuit against CVS alleges that the criminal case and resulting publicity has effectively ended her career as a teacher and caused her severe emotional distress.

“But for CVS’s conduct, we do not think we’d be where we are today,” Mr. Rich told the publication. “There would have been no [criminal] charges.”

Mr. Rich, a partner at the firm, has a diverse litigation practice, including complex business and commercial litigation, First Amendment law, and employment law.

Matthew S. Furman of the firm is assisting Mr. Rich on the case.